How It Works

Christmas Lights Services

Each of our Christmas Lights packages includes the following:


High quality, energy efficient LED lights for both residential and commercial properties.


We promptly fix any issues with your Christmas Lights, including damaged or burnt out bulbs and displaced decorations.


We take the hassle and risk out of taking down your Christmas lights!


Our team may carefully stores your lights for the remainder of the year – saving you valuable space in your home.

Christmas Lights Add-Ons

Want to dazzle your neighbours even more? We also do:

Why LED Bulbs?

LED bulbs are the superior bulb type for Christmas Lights as they are:


LED lights use their energy much more efficiently than other types of bulbs, which waste much of their energy producing heat.


LEDs are much cooler than incandescent lights, reducing the risk of combustion or burnt fingers.




LEDs are durable and reliable – they can operate safely in colder temperatures, inclement weather, and can withstand more impact and vibration than other light bulbs because they have no filaments or other fragile parts.


The components of an LED significantly extend the lifespan of these bulbs. The LED bulb’s low heat levels, durability, and energy efficiency make it possible for it to outlast other types of bulbs

Get Your Free Quote

Let's discuss your project, design ideas, and pricing
Ready to impress your neighbourhood with a beautiful Christmas lights display? Perhaps you’d like to add lights on to your garage for that extra brightness? We are here to help make your home uniquely beautiful this holiday season.
Our crews are knowledgeable, attentive, friendly, and want to ensure that you’re completely satisfied with your new Christmas lights. We service Hamilton, London, Kitchener/Waterloo, St. Thomas, Woodstock, Mississauga, Brampton, Guelph, Oakville, Windsor, and much more! Contact us today for a free quote.

We use only custom cut lights that fit perfectly to your roofline – no more overhang from those lights sold by big box retailers!

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